wild cards

美 [waɪld kɑːrdz]英 [waɪld kɑːdz]
  • n.通配符;“百搭”式参赛,“百搭”式参赛选手,“外卡”参赛,“外卡”选手(指没有正常参赛资格而参赛);(由持牌人自由决定牌值的)百搭派,变牌
  • wild card的复数
wild cardswild cards

wild cards


  • 1
    N-COUNT 未知数;未知因素
    If you refer to someone or something as a wild card in a particular situation, you mean that they cause uncertainty because you do not know how they will behave.

    The wild card in the picture is Eastern Europe.


  • 2
    N-COUNT (给予没有正常参赛资格的选手准其参加比赛的)“外卡”;“外卡”选手
    If a sports player is given a wild card for a particular competition, they are allowed to play in it, although they have not qualified for it in the usual way. You can also use wild card to refer to a player who enters a competition in this way.

    Andre Agassi accepted a wild card to play in the Stockholm Open.


  • 3
    N-COUNT (用于代替任何字符或字符串的)通配符
    A wildcard is a symbol such as * or ? which is used in some computing commands or searches in order to represent any character or range of characters.

  1. The number of wild cards available varies from tournament to tournament .


  2. Generalized projective synchronization of different orders of chaotic systems with unknown parameters The number of wild cards available varies from tournament to tournament .


  3. Two wild cards could disrupt elections in any of these countries .


  4. In this case , the profile with no wild cards is the most specific and would be the one to take precedence .


  5. These types of odd questions are called " wild cards " because they seem to come out of nowhere .


  6. But the health of China , for decades an engine of growth , has emerged as one of the most significant wild cards in the global economy .


  7. Even if you don 't get asked the specific questions you 've practiced for , you 'll still have a better handle on wild cards in general .


  8. They also might ask wild cards to break out of the routine of a typical interview in order to get a glimpse of your genuine personality .


  9. We are currently investigating whether using a customized B-Tree algorithm can make it possible to search with the help of wild cards and to store index documents more compactly .


  10. The scenery outside was mostly highway , chemical plants , and industrial warehouses , so Kevin had little to distract him from the two wild cards seated across from him .


  11. As much as Martin may be loath to admit it , Wild Cards and his opinions on football didn 't put the food on his table , nor did they buy his second house .


  12. The video clips did not give the candidate 's name or party affiliation , and the segments were always of debates between two white male candidates to eliminate race and gender wild cards .


  13. But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond , the SNP leader and Scottish first minister , and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .
